11 (61) 13 мая 2002
Днём великой Победы!
лет в стране выходят книги изменившего Родине перебежчика Резуна («Суворова»),
доказывающие, что Гитлер был «невинной жертвой сталинской агрессии».
Причем книги эти выходят миллионными тиражами, и тиражи эти оплачиваются
заранее (в издательских кругах ходят слухи, что платит Администрация
Александр Тарасов
для скинхедов
Великая Отечественная, преподанная как занудство
International Edition
Alexander Cockburn
and "Anti-Semitism."
So the left gets the rotten eggs and those tossing the eggs mostly don't
feel it necessary to concede that Israel is a racist state whose obvious
and provable intent is to continue to steal Palestinian land, oppress
Palestinians, herd them into smaller and smaller enclaves and in all
likelihood ultimately drive them into the sea or Lebanon or Jordan or
Dearborn or the space in Dallas/Fort Worth airport between the third
and fourth runways (the bold Armey plan).
Israel Shamir
Last Action Heroes
As a professional journalist, I regret that this tense drama of siege,
breakthrough, diversion, relief, salvation, arrest, escape and confrontation
at Easter, in the shadow of the great church, the best stuff there is,
did not reach the mass audience of Europe and America, that it was not
broadcasted by all TV stations and reprinted by all newspapers. But
the regret does not diminish my joy, as one of the kids who broke the
siege was my own son.
Alan Wood
fascism and the Russian working class. A very short answer to an extraterrestrial
Edward Herman.
"Israel's Willing
John Pilger
Venezuela: the lies
go on
Помни Дженин!